How we work

The WBR has an elected board of directors that are chosen from and voted by the stakeholder members. The board are responsible for the governance and strategies of the WBR.

The board of directors are accountable to the stakeholder members. Stakeholder members are organisations that are usually locally based within the biosphere, and have responsibility or interest in the development and conservation of the area. They can be either governmental or non-governmental organisations. For stakeholder groups to become members they can request membership from the WBR via the office, where they can register their details. Once membership is granted they will be able to attend WBR stakeholder meetings and become more involved with the biosphere.

Individuals who are interested in becoming involved with the WBR can join a stakeholder group, if they are not affiliated with one already, or contact the office to see how they can participate.

Our stakeholder groups are also important partners, and much of the work as well as achievements happen through our partnerships.

As part of the Strategy and Action Plan (2018 – 2023) developed through a stakeholder engagement process the opportunities and threats for the biosphere were identified as:

  • Rich natural, cultural and heritage resources
  • WBR’s international standing
  • Inclusive and diversified economic development (e.g. tourism; arts and craft; bioprospecting; wildlife)
  • Partnerships with government, non-governmental organisations, businesses and donor agencies
  • Climate change
  • Land use conflicts
  • Poor social relationship among WBR communities
  • Mining development and associated environmental and socio-economic effects (air pollution; relocations; population growth)
  • Damage of wilderness landscapes and extinction of wild flora and fauna

These opportunities and threats are important core themes and focus areas that will influence the way forward for the WBR over the next five years.