How we are funded

While UNESCO runs the Man and Biosphere programme they are the organising body only and leaves it to individual countries and/ or biosphere reserves to arrange their own financial mechanisms for both their operating costs and implementing projects.

Biosphere reserves often form good alliances and working partnerships with provincial and district level government and they may provide some funding assistance for basic operations. For the WBR, Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) do provide financial assistance in the form of a small yearly grant that covers basic operating costs for the organisation.

Funds for all other work and projects, as well as more advanced operation costs has to be found by the biosphere. Each biosphere in the country is responsible for its own financial sustainability and fundraising to undertake project work to be able to fulfil the Man and the Biosphere Programme mandate.


Funding therefore, influences the work and timing of projects in combination with the vision, mission and strategic objectives set out for the next five years.

We welcome all help – if you are interested in donating or sponsoring please get in touch via the office.
  • Pursue and prioritise implementation of environmental education and awareness in the area;
  • Sustainable utilisation of natural, cultural and heritage resources;
  • Promotion of sustainable and compatible land use;
  • Promote WBR as a tourism destination, responsible tourism and biodiversity economy of the Waterberg District; and
    Contribute to socio-economic empowerment and community development.