• The core area(s) are under formal protection and are usually national, provincial or private wildlife reserves that contributes to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, and species.
• The buffer zone surrounds or adjoins the core areas, and is natural with limited development and is used for activities compatible with sound ecological practices that can reinforce scientific research, monitoring, training and education.
• The transition area are places where the greatest activity is allowed, fostering economic and human development that is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable.
Every biosphere reserve is unique and has to focus on issues that are relevant and important for their area if it’s to achieve its desired state and purpose.
Under the MAB programme biosphere reserves have to fulfill three interconnected functions for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy.

During 2018 a series of stakeholder workshops were carried out to determine the priority issues for the Waterberg Biosphere Region. These form part of the WBR Strategy and Action Plan (2018-2023) and provides a framework to focus effort and resources to bring benefits for people, wildlife and the environment.
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Natural/Cultural/Heritage Conservation Programme
Natural/Cultural/Heritage Sites/ Resources Profiling Project
Sites/Resources Preservation and Promotion Project
Development and Registration of Sites/ Resources Project

Responsible Tourism Programme
Develop Tourism Profile of the WBR Project
Tourism Projects/ Products Packaging Project
Marketing the WBR Project

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme
Air Quality Management Project
Hazardous Areas Management Project
Climate Change Mitigation Project
Water Utilization/ Demand Management Project

Biodiversity/Bioprospecting/Wildlife Economy Programme
Environmental Monitoring Project
Bioprospecting and Trade Project
Propagation of Indigenous Plant Species Project
Transformation of Wildlife Economy Project

Natural Resources Conservation Programme
Land Owners Conservation Guidelines Project
Conservation Incentives Project
Waste Management Project
Alien and Invasive Species Management Project
Wetland Systems Management Project

Community Empowerment and Development Programme
Community Engagement Project
Environmental Education and Training Project at the community level
Skills Development Project
Community Tourism Development Project
Land Reform Support Project
Indigenous Agricultural Development Project
Business and Entrepreneurship Development Project
Decent and Sustainable Jobs Creation Project
Governance and Administration

Governance and Administration
Stakeholder engagement/ communication plan
WBR governance model
WBR operations plan
Project fundraising
UNESCO periodic reviews